Verbs As Complements ,Affirmative Agreement and Negative Agreement

A.    Affirmative Agreement
When indicating that one person or thing does something and then adding that another does the same, use the word “so” or “too”. To avoid needless repetition of words from the affirmative statement, use the conjunction “and”, followed by a simple statement using so or too. The order of this statement will depend on whether so or too is used.

• When a form of the verb be is used in the main clause, the same tense of verb be is used in the simple statement that follows.

Affirmative statement (be) + and + [ S + verb (be) + too]
Example: I am happy and you are too.

Affirmative statement (be) + and + [ so + verb (be) + S ]
Example: I am happy and so are you.

• When a compound verb (auxiliary +verb), for example, will go, should do, has done, have written, must examine, etc., occurs in the main clause, the auxiliary of the main verb is used in the simple statement, and the subject and verb must agree.

Affirmative statement (compound verb) + and + [ S + auxiliary only + too ]
Example: Edward should do his homework and Bella should too.

Affirmative statement (compound verb) + and + [ so + auxiliary only + S ]
Example: Edward should do his homework and so does Bella.

• When any verb except be appears without any auxiliaries in the main clause, the auxiliary do, does, or did is used in the simple statement. The subject and verb must agree and the tense must be the same.

Affirmative statement (single verb except be) + and + [ S + do, does ,or did + too ]
Example: Tae Yeon plays guitar every day and Jessica does too.

Affirmative statement (single verb except be) + and + [ so + do, does, or did + S ]
Example: Yuri sung “Gee” and so did Yoona.

Additional Examples:
1. She has already written her composition, and so have her friends.
2. Their plane is arriving at nine o’clock, and so is mine.
3. I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so should my neighbor.
4. We like to swim in the pool, and they do too.
5. Our Spanish teacher loves to travel, and so do we.

B.      Negative Agreement
“Either” and “neither” function in simple statements much like “so” and “too” in affirmative sentences. However, either and neither are used to indicate negative agreement. The same rules for auxiliaries, be and do, does, or did apply.

Negative statement + and + [ S + negative auxiliary or be + either]
Negative statement + and + [ neither + positive auxiliary or be + S ]

I didn’t see Bella this morning. Edward didn’t see Bella this morning
I didn’t see Bella this morning and Edward didn’t either.
I didn’t see Bella this morning and neither did Edward.

Additional examples:
1. The children shouldn’t take that medicine, and neither should she.
2. We don’t plan to attend the concert, and neither do they.
3. I don’t like tennis, and he doesn’t either.
4. She didn’t see anyone she knew, and neither did Tim.
5. The Yankees couldn’t play due to the bad weather, and neither could the Angels.

A.    Verbs as Complements
1)      This construction is used with the verbs listed below:
I enjoy studying English at the CBA.
He considered traveling to Europe for the summer, but he doesn’t have enough funds.

2) This construction is used with the verbs listed below:

I decided to refuse the invitation.
He pretended to be someone else.
She forgot to bring her keys.

 3) With the following Verbs the Sentence doesn’t change meaning if you use the gerund (ing) or the infinitive

4) With the following Verbs the Sentence has Different Meaning

She stopped studying Engineering when she got pregnant.  
Meaning she won’t study Engineering any more.  She stopped studying forever.

5) Use of prepositions with the -Ing Form

EXCEPTION:  But, except.
He hid the wallet, for fear of being stolen.
She was really famous, as a result of acting as Mary in the Jesus Christ film.
Courage in the Face of Eviction Nightmare
6) Use of Adjectives with the infinitive form


I’m pleased to meet you
It’s difficult to understand some people.
Rafael is eager to meet you.

7) Use a Pronoun before the Infinitive form 
Certain verbs require the following construction:

The pronouns to be used are object pronouns: ME, YOU, HIM, HER, IT, US, YOU, THEM.
He orders her to study for the test.
My mother promised me to take me to the mall.
Rahima convinced him to purchase an expensive purse.

8) Use the -ing (gerung) form of a verb after the possessive form.

I understand her feeling.

9) Use of the verb need with different nouns (living and things) 
With living things use need and the infinitive form of the verb.

The blender needs to be repaired.
The blanket needs to be cleaned.
